Tuesday 24 August 2010

Winter Kate

I purchased my very first Winter Kate item the other week. It arrived whilst i was still in London, so I had it delivered to a family members house. I had my eye on this jacket when Nicole launched the collection at Selfridges back in February however, I was attending Fashion Weekend and was planning on saving all my pennies for that aha! So anyway, I eventually purchased it the other week and i adore it. It is made of 100% vintage silk and the colours in it are all stunning! (this item is exactly to my taste, a bit different than the ordinary but still very wearable-my style)
I adore Nicole's sense of style, she is one of those people who somehow manage to look amazing whatever they put on. The colours in this jacket are perfect for Autumn, yet I am still able to wear it during Spring and Summer too, due to the light material of this piece. Honestly, grab all yourselves a piece of Winter Kate, you will not be disapointed!
Below are some photos of me wearing the jacket. I know i look ridiculous, especially the way my arms look like a scare-crows aha but i was attempting to show how the jacket falls. I failed at this but who cares, cast yours eyes on this stunning little baby, yummy!

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